Dries Buytaert

San francisco 2006

Apple store
Jeff boris and me
Jeff Robbins (Lullabot), Boris Mann (Bryght) and myself after our Drupal meeting with SpikeSource.
When we arrived at BarCamp San Francisco, Harry Slaughter was doing a presentation on Drupal.
Boris and jeff at teh space
Harry slaughter
Drupal consultant Harry Slaughter from devbee.com.
Jeff Robbins (Lullabot) showing off his anchovy at the Korean BBQ.
Google patio
Liza Kindred (Lullabot) kissing the skull that marks the entrance of Zeitgeist, a biker bar that hosted the San Francisco Drupal meet-up. Not the most classy place for such meet-ups but I had a great time talking to the 40-50 Drupal people that showed up. Thanks for all the fun (and the Drupal feedback)!
Maximum speed
Full house
As seen on the American television sitcom Full House.
Light saber
Light saber
Light saber
Golden gate bridge
Drupal meeting at teh space
Good food, beer and Powerbooks at the nightly Drupal meeting at Teh Space, a collaborative workspace in San Francisco. Attendees were Earl Miles, Jeff Robbins (Lullabot), Neil Drumm (Advomatic), Boris Mann (Bryght), Kieran Lal (CivicSpace) and myself. We talked about the install system, the Drupal administration pages and thinkered about Drupal's future.
Fuel pump
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We got a private tour at Skywalker ranch. This is supposedly one of the AT-AT models used to record the first Star Wars movies. It was on display in a closet, close to George Lucas' personal office.
Golden gate bridge
Holy grail
We got a private tour at Skywalker ranch. This is the Holy Grail used in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". It was on display in a closet, close to George Lucas' personal office.